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Version: 4.3.0

Creating the required directories

For the purposes of this setup, we will set up everything in the localhost as a demonstration. We need three directories: Two to store data, and one to access it. In a real-world scenario, the two directories storing data would be dedicated drives, but for now we will set them up as simple directories.

mkdir /mnt/hd1 # Storage 1
mkdir /mnt/hd2 # Storage 2
mkdir /mnt/client # Client

You need to set the correct user and permissions for the storage directories. The user required can be changed in the configuration files, but the default is saunafs

chown saunafs:saunafs /mnt/hd* # NB: This assumes no other files that start with hd exist in the directory
chmod 600 /mnt/hd*

You should also set the ownership of the client folder to the user you are using, so you can easily test if it’s working later:

chown $USER:$USER /mnt/client/